Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
YP Member: Zachary Lambe, Aloha United Way
Non-Profit Organizations & Human Services
Rep/Contact Info

Zachary Lambe
After backpacking North America 2022-2023, I was only supposed to stay in Hawai'i for a few months. Five days on-island later.. I started looking for a full-time job and by day 30 I started as the Digital Marketing Specialist for Aloha United Way. Sometimes, you just know when you've found what you were looking for.
A very unique part to Hawai'i is how the community practices a genuine balance between lifestyle and professionalism. I am excited to contribute to that culture as much as I can, as I have already been humbled by the amount I have been given to enjoy.
Feel free to reach out and connect! If nothing else, a good conversation is always reason enough for me.
~ Zach