Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Watanabe Floral
General ServicesGeneral ServicesRetailWholesale
Monday-Friday from 7a-6p
Saturday from 7a-5p
Sunday's - Closed
Driving Directions:
Located off of NImitz Highway in Kalihi next to Lex Brodie between Kalihi Street and Waikamilo Road.
About Us
Flowers bring a special sentiment to life’s occasions; elegance to a wedding; sympathy to a funeral; tenderness to an anniversary celebration. While it is true that we sell flowers, our real business is that of helping people express their feelings. Wherever you are in life, it is our commitment to make your occasion exceptional and unique for you.
For over 70 years, we have made it our priority to provide excellent service to our guests. We have an award-winning design team, with over 100 years of combined experience ready to serve you and a sales and operational team committed to making you our #1 priority.
We are truly blessed to have received numerous accolades, including being named Hawaii’s Best Florist 2003 – 2015 (Star Advertiser/Midweek). We were also awarded the prestigous Ho’okela Award, recognizing us as Oahu’s Retail Merchant of the year for 2005.
Our Past:
In 1945, Ernest Watanabe, a soldier stationed in Brisbane, Australia, passed the time growing flowers outside his barracks. Missing his fiancé, Shizue, led him to think of all the romances that would need to be rekindled at the war’s end. Upon returning from the war, Ernest, alongside his parents and new wife, began growing roses as a business to returning soldiers and their loved ones. Started in Waialae, Watanabe Floral is now the largest Retail Florist in the State and one of the largest stand alone florists in the Country.
- Full Service Floral Provider
- Voted Hawaii's Best Florist 2003-Present
- Celebrating 70 years serving the people of Hawaii!
- Helping our guests Express their Feelings through Flowers!
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