Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce

Chambers Of Commerce
About Us
The mission of the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce is to connect and strengthen Native Hawaiian businesses and professions and communities by building on a foundation of relationships, resources and Hawaiian values.
• To provide the means for the promotion of friendly and cooperative relationships and the “Spirit of Aloha” among its members, the people of the State of Hawai’i and those engaged in business or industry and those employed in such business or industry.
• To provide the means to organize the Hawaiian business community into a viable economic and social voice.
• To encourage and promote the interests of its members engaged in trade, commerce and the professions.
• To provide the necessary facilities for advancement of knowledge and learning among its members pertaining to business, industry and commerce.
• To provide facilities and means for assisting worthy, charitable, educational, scientific, community and other benevolent undertakings and projects.
We believe that great business leaders in Hawai'i must be grounded in values based in Hawai'i's culture. As a gathering place for the Native Hawaiian business community, our members pledge to follow Hawaiian values.