Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Hawai'i Gas
UtilitiesEnvironmental Products & ServicesManufacturing-Manufacturers Rep.
About Us
The state’s only franchised gas utility, Hawaii Gas,has been a key part of our community since its charter was granted in 1904. Hawaii Gas’ vast engineering and technical expertise with gas delivery and equipment has made it the state’s preeminent gas provider. Through its synthetic natural gas (SNG) facility at Campbell Industrial Park, Hawaii Gas provides clean-burning, efficient, and reliable utility gas service to thousands of residential, commercial and industrial customers on Oahu. Hawaii Gas is also the state’s major distributor of propane, and services customers on Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai. Gas is more efficient, less expensive, and burns cleaner than coal and oil-fired electricity, emitting 30% less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuel sources. Gas energy is also a great partner with renewable energy as a firming source at night when the sun isn’t shining or the wind doesn’t blow. Hawaii Gas has also demonstrated a commitment to developing other renewable resources like renewable natural gas (RNG, or biogas) and solar. In 2016, Hawaii Gas won an award from the City and County of Honolulu to develop a biogas project at the Honouliuli Wastewater Treatment Plant, which holds promise for the establishment of an RNG sector for the state’s energy profile. In August 2016, Hawaii Gas welcomed the Waihonu solar farm (a 6.5 megawatt facility) to its family of companies. With these initiatives and others, Hawaii Gas is well-positioned in the marketplace as the state transitions to a cleaner, more renewable energy future.

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